It is sad to see someone destroy a long time marriage because they want to feel young again, this is called Mid Life Crisis.
How can you look at yourself in the mirror knowing that all your actions has caused your family to have a breakdown, and not even care.
To throw your wife out so your new and younger girlfriend who is half your age can move into your families home. You are a Pedophile in my eyes. To Bad the Law does not see it that way, because they should.
To play mind games, knowing that for some reason your wife still loves you through all of this.
You are no Man, you are not even classified as a Man. You are a Boy/Child and an embarrassment to the word Man.
The funny thing is that you will be getting older, and to a younger girl you will become useless, and than you will be alone. This is what you deserve, and this is what you will get.
The truth about all your lies will come out in time , just wait and see.