Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You Know I'd Rock your World

It is so frustrating when you know that you are an amazing person, with a great personality, a big heart, gentle and kind. And guys do not see it, they are not attracted to that.
Most guys my age want skinny, materialistic self centered women. With no morals.
It always seems like I want the guys I can not have, either they are in a relationship or they don't want one.
I know I could Rock your World, if I was given a chance. I just need a chance to show.
If I was given a chance, to show you how great it would be, you would never want to leave and you would never find interest in another women again. Yes this is true.
I am good, I am amazing, I am great......I am one of a kind.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I can't do it Anymore...GOOD-BYE

I can not do it anymore, I want you so badly, and I do not have the patients to wait.
You make me feel so special when I am with you, you make me feel like I am the only one, and we both know I am not.
I hate to let you go, but I have too. It hurts to much to watch you walk out the door, and never know when I will see you again.
I waited a long time for you, thought I knew you, but time has changed everything, and not to my favour. I can not wait on the side lines anymore, hoping and wishing for my turn to come.
I feel it will never come, I will never have it or you. So why wait any longer. The pain is to much to bare.
I need to find someone who would like to be with me full time, not part time.
I smile to others, to hide the pain, but deep down inside I am crying.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

You have been Deleted, no longer a Friend

I have Deleted you from my life,I can not even believe I let you in it.
Your are so full of yourself, that you can not see passed your own eye lashes. That is a pretty sad state to be in, you must be lonely a lot of the time, I wonder if you have any true friends, friends that take the time to call you or visit you. Or even help you when you need it. I did, that was a mistake.
You thought you were all that, guess what, you are not.
I tryed to be a friend, to be there for you, to show you I gave a shit about you, as a real friend would, but the nicer I was the more you treated me like shit. Your lose not mine.
I have so many friends that loosing you will not matter at all. But it might for you, you will soon see what you lost.
You will never get what you want in life, because of who you have become,and you will never get who you want in your life because of what you are. You are going to be a very lonely person, growing old alone, sleeping alone, eating alone.
You tell lies, you say what others want to hear, and when you are called on it, you run and hide like a scared little boy.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


When I am naked I am, exposing my skin, my emotions, my imperfections, my wants, my desires, my heart, and my feelings.

Do you see them, do you even care. I want you too, I hope you do. I need you too. CARE.

Do you see the real me, do you want the real me, do you need the real me.

I want you to touch my imperfections and accept them as I will and do yours.

Caress my body, feel my heart, fill my desires, and touch my emotions.

I Am Naked, afraid of rejection, filled with emotions, and in need of your desire.

I Can't Be Myself

I am getting angry, with feeling that I am unable to be me, the real me. Without having someone pisses off with me because I have changed.
I have been through a lot, and I have learned a lot, and I just want to be able to have people that I know accept me for who I am, and not judge me for what I am doing, I am accountable to me, and me alone.
I would never do anything to hurt anyone, ever. I am going and doing things that I would normally do not do. Just because I am doing new things does not mean I am not the same person that everyone knows. I am just expanding my herizions more.
I have met new people, and I am having fun, but I would never forget the people who was there for me when I needed them the most.
I feel that I am the same person that you knew, I have just extended and expanded my personality. I have grown up a little bit more.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Can You See and Feel my Heart

I see you from a distance, I want to touch you, feel you, and hold you. But you are Loved by another.
You had me once, and you left me in the cold. than I found another, as did you.
We were/are both unhappy, but still we look at each other from a distance. Wondering what I would be like.
Both of us are afaid to make the first move. I feel the warmth from your Heart, do you want me as badly as I want you. I am ready, but are you.
I am waiting, but I will not wait forever, I need Love in my Life not a Dream. Right now you are a Dream, and my Dream is lonely without you.
But it is sad to realize that I may loose you again. At least I had the chance to see you, and hold you one more time.

Staying in a Loveless Relationship

I do not understand why couples stay in a relationship when they have fell out of LOVE for eachother. I am not talking about having problems for a few months, I am talking about problems for years with no improvement in sight.
If you are staying in it for the children, this is the worst thing you can do. They all ready know there is a problem, they see and feel the tention between you both. Sure they do not want you to split up, they will always want there parents together no matter what. But when you decide to end the relationship, and move on, the tention is gone. The children end up being happy because the parents are happier. They want to be around more. Not go to friends homes to get away from the arguments.
Being happy is so important, living without tention feels so great. You feel reborn, happy, alive, stress free, there is no feeling like it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Memphis Tenn.

Went on a business trip to Memphis Tenn. what a beautiful place we were in Downtown Memphis, and the people were so friendly, kind, helpful, and so polite. All there questions and answers ended with Mam.
We were on Trolley Cars, the were very old and this young guy who is a Blues musician came on, we asked him to play and he did. It was so nice.
It was sad to also see that the DownTown area, does not have alot of things to do or see, there is alot of empty buildings/store fronts.
At night they block off Beale Street the whole Street, this is famous for all the Blues Bars on it. So you can easily go Bar hopping if you want to. You can imagine what it would be like in the summer, we went in the winter (Feb).
They also have Horse and buggy rides, and in the winter you rap up in a blanket, now that is romantic.
I hope they get the Downtown area hopping, with more stores, shops, resturants, more tourist attractions because it is such a beautiful place to go. I would love to go again in the summer. The people is what makes me want to go back, and the history, the old buildings ,the Trolley Cars, and horse and buggy rides.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Will you, Is my Question....

I am alone at the end of the pier, looking at the clear blue water. I want to go in, and at the same time I am hoping you will try to stop me. That you see I am ready to leave and move on.
But do you care enough for me to stop me, do you need me enough to stop me, do you love me enough to stop me, will you miss me enough to stop me, do you desire me enough to stop me. Stop me from leaving.
Stop me, Please Stop me....Do you not see, Open your Eyes I want you to see. I want you to the real me. The one you need.
I want to take care of you, love you, make you feel better when you are sick, sleep with you, wake up with you, laugh with you, cry with you, argue with you, and smile with you.
But again I am standing at the end of the pier alone, and you do not see I need you, and you do not want to see that you need me.
So when I am gone will you miss me, Time will tell.

Making Love

Making Love, there is no other feeling like it, We become One.
Making LOVE is beautiful. The touch of your hand on my Body, your skin on my skin, your sweat with my sweat, our Hearts beating as one, your warm breath on my neck, and you slowly kissing my Body,and as I dig my nails into your back.
We intertwine our Bodies, we touch, you touch every inch of my skin, and you grab my wrists and pull them over my head. I do not want it to end, but when it does, hold me tight.

I Feel All Twisted Up Inside

I always seem to be making STUPID mistakes, I always jump the gun, or leap before I think. I have to learn to stop doing this.
I always asume the worse, when my questions are not answered, not realizing or remembering that everyone deals with things differently. I am a Head on type person, I like to deal with things right away, and not wait.
When I react in this way, I push people away from me, and I do not mean to do this at all, I really don't. I cherrish all my friends with all my heart. When I say I am sorry I do mean it.
It upsets me so much to know if I have made someone mad or upset with me, because of what I have said.
When I am hurt or upset about something, all I do is think about the situation and how I feel at the time, and react. This is what gets me introuble, my mouth. It is like a RAZER, very sharp. I just want the person to see and feel how I am feeling about the situation at hand.
I keep doing this to one person in praticular, and I hate myself for it, and I want to stop doing it. But how, all I can do is explain myself, and hope HE/SHE understands. All I want is to be told the truth right away, and not left hanging, trying to figure out why. Because that drives me crazy. This is when I stick my foot in my mouth and left to make my own assumptions, they could be right and they could be wrong, I just react to quickly.
Nice girls do make mistakes.....I do ....and admit them too.