Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mid Life Crisis

It is sad to see someone destroy a long time marriage because they want to feel young again, this is called Mid Life Crisis.
How can you look at yourself in the mirror knowing that all your actions has caused your family to have a breakdown, and not even care.
To throw your wife out so your new and younger girlfriend who is half your age can move into your families home. You are a Pedophile in my eyes. To Bad the Law does not see it that way, because they should.
To play mind games, knowing that for some reason your wife still loves you through all of this.
You are no Man, you are not even classified as a Man. You are a Boy/Child and an embarrassment to the word Man.
The funny thing is that you will be getting older, and to a younger girl you will become useless, and than you will be alone. This is what you deserve, and this is what you will get.
The truth about all your lies will come out in time , just wait and see.

Personal Blackmail, is Wrong

It is wrong when someone thinks they can keep another under there control by using blackmail. If you think you can keep someone loving or caring about you while you are using there past against them, you better think again. This will all blow up in your face.
This act or treatment towards another will only last a short time, than the person you are trying to keep will get angry and frustrated, and will risk everything to get away from your clutches of control.
Then do not be surprised when it all backfires onto you, and you end end up being the person answering questions.

My Name Is Firecracker

I will introduce to my other side, the name is Firecracker. He comes out when I feel I am not being treated properly. Being ignored or lied too is the worst thing to do.

I will shout my mouth off, blow my top, and rant and rave when I am mad. It has been happening to me a little to often.

I hate it when I am looking forward to being with someone and they do not show up or call to explain what is happening,
I hate it when I am talking to someone and they start an attitude with me for no reason,
I hate it when I am expected to be patient all the time,
I hate it when I have everything ready for private time and the person does not call,
I hate it when I am always thought of last,
I hate it when I am sexually frustrated and my needs are not met,

So if this continues you will be seeing a lot of my other side FIRECRACKER.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Path in Life

No one knows what there Path in Life is, what road they are to take, or what leasons they/we are here to learn.
But no one has a right to judge anyone for the things they do, it is there life, not yours. you are here to judge your own life.
No one in Life is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and they really are not mitakes if you learn from them, Lesson learned.
Do not JUDGE anyone if you do not want to be judged yourself. What is good for you may not be good for another person.
Everyone has to do and learn things at there own time and pace.
The roads in life are dark and scary, the unknown, the next step, what do I do, where do I go, what is next for me, are questions only for you to answer. Not for you to answer for someone else.
You are there for support if it is needed, if it is asked.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thinking to much

Sometimes I think I know what I want, and at the same time I don't. Things are so confusing, I always like to talk about what I am going through and feeling with close friends that I trust with my life.
When I tell them, they say thing that I do not want to hear, the other side of it, the side I am refusing to see. That is why I tell them so I can face the truth, when I am running from it.
You know when you want something so badly it hurts, and you think about it all the time, talk about it all the time, wish for it all the time. You get to the point when you drive yourself nuts over it.
Well I am there right now, and I am feeling that things are not happening fast enough for me. I need to learn patients. I realize this, but have no idea how to achieve it.
I really do hope that my Wish and Dreams come true.