I always seem to be making STUPID mistakes, I always jump the gun, or leap before I think. I have to learn to stop doing this.
I always asume the worse, when my questions are not answered, not realizing or remembering that everyone deals with things differently. I am a Head on type person, I like to deal with things right away, and not wait.
When I react in this way, I push people away from me, and I do not mean to do this at all, I really don't. I cherrish all my friends with all my heart. When I say I am sorry I do mean it.
It upsets me so much to know if I have made someone mad or upset with me, because of what I have said.
When I am hurt or upset about something, all I do is think about the situation and how I feel at the time, and react. This is what gets me introuble, my mouth. It is like a RAZER, very sharp. I just want the person to see and feel how I am feeling about the situation at hand.
I keep doing this to one person in praticular, and I hate myself for it, and I want to stop doing it. But how, all I can do is explain myself, and hope HE/SHE understands. All I want is to be told the truth right away, and not left hanging, trying to figure out why. Because that drives me crazy. This is when I stick my foot in my mouth and left to make my own assumptions, they could be right and they could be wrong, I just react to quickly.
Nice girls do make mistakes.....I do ....and admit them too.
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