I have come to realize that life is to short, we are all not getting any younger, the reality is we are all getting older.
Know, with that thought, would you change anything in your life right know, or are you blissfully happy with everything in your life.
Question, do you worry what other people think about you, and what you are doing. Are you worried that they may not talk to you again or even talk behind your back, making comments about your actions.
Question, if you were in an unhappy marriage, would you stay in it because you do not like change, or scared to start over , or worried about what other people will say or think about your decision. If you had children, would you stay in an unhappy marriage for there sake, even though they can see and hear all the tension between you and your spouse.
Question, would you stay in a job you hate, just because you are afraid to start over, and work at something you have always wanted to do. What is keeping you there, money, vacation, friends, education, what?
Question, how many times have you let others control your thoughts, feelings, desires, needs, likes and dislikes. Have you ever thought about this question.
Happiness does not come knocking on your door to often, what is holding you back, to be content is not happiness, it is just there. It is like always having a Poker Face on every day of your life, or the rest of your life.
No one know how you feel, what you need, what you want. Everyone in life is different, but do not ever let anyone control your desires, they are yours to own.
If your friends and family care at all about you, they would be happy about anything that make you happy, that is called unconditional LOVE. There are no conditions on there LOVE for you.
Think about it......
Happiness or Sorrow.....