It saddens me and angers me at the same time to see to many changes in this Country, and it is not for the better.
Schools can not say the Lords Prayer anymore because it may offend another culture, they cannot say/sing Oh Canada either, this is our way, this is what we do, if we were in there Country they would never make so many drastic changes for any other Country- Believes- Religion.
I believe we should be as one, but why should we loose our Identity for others, this is not right , and because of these changes so many things have gone arise, and wrong.
If you want to live here and start a new life, good, but this is our way, this is how we do it, and we will not change it, so you need to accept it.
Once the Government opened Pandora's Box, that was it, we are no longer being heard, but other cultures and Religions are, and they are being put before anything else.
I am not a Happy Canadian, I am very disappointed at the way this have been changing.
This all my sound very Harsh, but if you just sit back and think about it , you may agree on some issues. If we keep making all these changes, we will no longer be proud Canadian , we will be confused Canadians. Lost and Forgotten, sometimes change is not good when so many others are forgotten, and the changes only benefit other cultures.
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