Sometimes a relationship is misunderstood by others, and when this happens do you go with your heart, or do you dismiss your feelings because of the disapproval of others.
When you are in love, you do not worry about what others feel or think about your new found love.
But what a lot of people do not realize is others see more than you are, because you are blinded by this love. You need to go with your heart but also in turn listen to what others are saying. There maybe some truth, truth to what you are not seeing.
Love is strong, Love is beautiful, Love is feeling of completeness, Love is painful, Love is blind, Love hurts, Love is strength, Love is fulfillment.
Enjoy these feeling, be aware of these feeling, never loose who you are for someone else,but expand who you are instead.
When something feels right, and feels good, and makes you feel complete. Than you are wrong, NEVER LIVE WITH REGRETS.
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