Saturday, November 14, 2009

Elderly Abuse

I was chatting to a co worker and she was telling me about the problems her family was having in regards to her father getting Dialyses at the hospital.
All I can say is Elderly Abuse, he fell in the hospital. The called his over 80 yr old wife telling her she needs to take him to Emergency, she explained he is in the Hospital and I am unable to take him. Then he needed to catch to transit that was waiting to pick him up, he was finished Dialyses in a wheel chair, when he asked a nurse to take him down stairs she told him he was a trouble maker, he cryed.
This is a true story, I am ashamed and very angry about this. How can anyone treat an Elder in this way. Something needs to be done and things need to change.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Is anyone listening

I sit here alone the dark, thinking, wondering, waiting for the answers to come. Realizing they never will.

I say how I feel and what I want - but no one is here to listen. My Heart is sad and lonely. I feel trapped in my own despair wondering if it will ever end.

Life feels long and never ending when you are alone, with no one to hold on too.

I smile on the outside and frown on the inside, My feels and thoughts on my life are so mixed and confusing.

I just want the Roller Coaster in life to stop.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

When you smell is such a turn on

When you smell good, OH MY it is such a turn on. It takes time and a lot of different perfumes to find the right one.
Everyone has there own natural body sent/smell, and when you add perfume to that, you have a different oder/smell.
But when you find the right one, people just want to smell you, I am telling you the truth. And when you are in a relationship, and things are getting hot and heavy, watch out because you are in for one amazing night.
So find your sent.......and enjoy.


I really have nothing to complain about when it comes to Taxi services.....except for one thing.
Have you realized that they drive under the speed limit, reason because there rates are on a timer, and not by KM driven.
So the longer it takes to get to your destination, the more money your ride will cost you. Now that pisses me off.
I am always checking to see, and it feels like they put on the gas than brake, gas than brake. What the hell is with that.
I make sure they take me the quickest way, just pay attention to this.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Children need Family Time

The world is to busy, going to fast now a days. In my opinion the Children are suffering because of this. Parents are not seeing that the children need family time.
The media has made things everyone see that other things in life are more important. Cars, Trips, Name brand clothes, Cell phones.
The messages has been, the harder you work, the more money you make, than you get the good things in life.
Yes we all want nice things, but what children want more than anything is Family time, and the funny thing is the children do not even realize this is what they want. Until they get it, than they realize what they have been missing.
It does not cost a lot of money, only time. All you need to do is set one day a week, a reasonable day that is good for everyone to be there. Tell everyone you know not to call the house, cell phone or come by, and stay off the computer, for this time together.
What you can do is have dinner together at the table, and at the same time. After dinner play a game, any kind of game, every week play a new game. Rent a movie you will all enjoy, and pop popcorn. No one leaves for that whole day/night.
It will be a little hard to get use to, for everyone. In time you will see that everyone looks forward to this night, and helps to make plans for the night.
The thing that is the best of all, is the chain reaction from family and friends when you do this, in time you will see them doing the same as your family.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Forbidden Desire

Sometimes I wonder if you have ever noticed me. If you see the way I look at you, the way I smile at you, laugh with you, and try to smell you.
I may not say what I feel, but I hope or wish my actions are noticed by you. You may not understand and you may wonder why. All I can say is Forbidden Desire.
I feel as though I am standing behind the glass waiting for you to break it and free me. Free me from my silence.
My feeling are true and my feelings are real, I would hope we could get to know each other again, just to see if maybe, just maybe there could be an US. In the near future.

Monday, January 12, 2009


If you knew, or where dating even married to someone who is in lame terms was a dead beat Dad/Mom.
Now would you have respect for him/her, would you trust him/her.
Now who is to say that they would not treat you or your child/children together in the same manor. Are you that confidant in them. or are you saying " they would never do that to me, our relationship is different".
All I can say is REALLY, do you have blinders on. Do you not think his/her past relationship did not feels the same way at one time.
As the saying goes IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO. When a relationship goes sour there is a reason, and maybe there is some truth to what there x is saying.
Think about it, if your spouse/boyfriends/girlfriend does not pay child support, buy there child needed supplies, or even brings over-visits-phones there child, what does that tell you.
The answer is loud and clear...don't you think.

Sometimes it is worth the risk...or is it

Sometimes a relationship is misunderstood by others, and when this happens do you go with your heart, or do you dismiss your feelings because of the disapproval of others.
When you are in love, you do not worry about what others feel or think about your new found love.
But what a lot of people do not realize is others see more than you are, because you are blinded by this love. You need to go with your heart but also in turn listen to what others are saying. There maybe some truth, truth to what you are not seeing.
Love is strong, Love is beautiful, Love is feeling of completeness, Love is painful, Love is blind, Love hurts, Love is strength, Love is fulfillment.
Enjoy these feeling, be aware of these feeling, never loose who you are for someone else,but expand who you are instead.
When something feels right, and feels good, and makes you feel complete. Than you are wrong, NEVER LIVE WITH REGRETS.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Poem's to read when a loved one has Passed

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with a will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still."


I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on his tomb stone FROM THE BEGINING TO TH END.

He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following dated with tears but he said what matters most of all was that DASH between those years.

For the DASH represented all the times that he spent alive on earth....and now only those who loved him know what that little line is worth.

For it mattersnot how much we own: cars, the house, the cash. What matters is how we live ans love and how we spend our DASH.

So think about this long and hard...are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left, (you could be at "DASH MID-RANGE).

If we could just slow down enough to consider what's true and real, and always try to understand the way others feel.

And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more and love the people inour lives like we've never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile...remembering that this special DASH might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy's being read with your life actions to rehash...would you be proud of the things they say about how you spend your DASH.

Linda M Ellis

The Bridges of LIFE

In your life you will cross many bridges. Some of them will be easy and fairly short, and others will be unsteady and long. But there will be an ending or should I say new begining on the other side of the bridge once you reach your destination.
You will know you reached it when things start to feel right. When you become more relaxed and at ease.
Comfort will set in, and happiness will follow close behind. This could take months or years to happen, but when you cross those bridges with your eyes opened you will see the other side coming closer and closer.
It is very hard to think in a positive mannor, when things look so bleek, but remember that positive thoughts bring positive actions, and negative thoughts will only make the journey feel longer and more frightening.
Fear of the unknown is a hard emotion to tackle, to get over and to overcome.

I am Afraid of REJECTION

What gets me angry, is at times men and the media make us women feel as though we need to have the perfect bodies to ever be noticed.
It does not matter if we are kind, warm hearted, loyal, thoughtful. It only matters how we look on the outside.
I do not have a Pamela Anderson body type, and I never will. But I think it is not enough for most men, but it is enough for me, and that is where the conflict starts.
I want someone to make me feel sexy, desirable, and wanted. Is that to much to ask, I don't think so. But what I want and what I get are to different things. That is where things get confusing in my mind.
Why can't men see past our bodies and not our minds, The statement BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP is more true than ever realized or ever thought of.

Fantasy and Desire

We all have thoughts in our heads, of what we would like to do and to who we would like to do it with.
These thoughts could be Fantasy or Desire, I am finding that the older I get the more Fantasies I am having and that my Desires are getting stronger. But i have one problem, i have no one to play with so to speak.
Having these thoughts are not wrong, they are normal, everyone has them, but a lot of people are afraid to admit them.
Reason being you are out of your comfort zone, and afraid of being judged by others.
Acting on these thoughts are not wrong as long as they are with a willing partner.
Sexual Fantasies are stimulating for the mind body and soul. The stimulation makes you happy, calm and feelings of satisfaction.
Now what is wrong with that. In my opinion it is all good.