I get so Angry everytime I go into a store these days, the customer service is awful. No one smiles anymore, no one takes the time to help you - you need to find them and ask them for help, and when they do help it is like you are bothering them, or the younger workers stand there talking to each other and will not stop chatting until they are finished there converstation. This is all BULLSHIT. I have had enough.
What gets me is they complain that the customers are rude, OH WELL, suck it up, we are fed up with the lousy service we recieve. If you do not like your job, find one you do like, or fake it. It is not our falt that you are unhappy at the work place. We just want to get our things and go home.
There should be better training or more training on how to treat and talk to customers. To many companies are hiring younger and younger but most of all putting them in positions of athouity when they barly have any life experiences or skills, to help them in the position they are in.
Customer Service has gone to the toilet. There is the rare few that do a great job, and I always make sure I tell there superviser how pleased I was, and how helpful they were to me. I also let them know myself, because I want them to keep up the good work, and not change.
When you are working with the public, you have to make them feel special, they are # one, just remember if you give bad service, consummers will look elsewhere and there goes your job, not enough revenue coming in for the company to keep you on anymore. If there are to many complains against you then you will be let go, if you want to move up in the company you need to be the best with information and attitude.
Just remember that a smile is contagus, when you give a smile you will get a smile in return.
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