Parents need to work to survive, so you can give your child a home to live in, so they can sleep. Food on the table, to fill there bellies and to watch them grow. Clothes on there backs to keep them warm. Shoes on there feet, so they can walk.
It is so hard to go to work when you watched your child cry in fear and pain as you dropped them off to Daycare. The pain of leaving them and walking away ripes your heart out everytime you have to do it. Now you need to go to work, be productive, stay focused, in order to keep your job, OH YES and don't be late, and what will happen if your child is sick. Well the daycare won't take them, they can' t risk the other children getting sick, so you call everyone you trust to watch your child, or take the day off, loose pay or a vacation day ( a whole day less with your family ). The day you have been working for to be with your child all day.
Companies have no compation towards mothers and children, it is funny how we forget how we felt as a child watching our mothers leave us to go to work, and if your mother was a stay at home mom how safe and happy we were being with them.
When I was growing up there was so much for me to do, it was more affortable for my parents. Swimming lessons, Brownies, Rollerskating, Ice Skating, Archades, Teen Dances at the Community Centers, Clean Safe Parks, were did it all go and why did most of it go.
Parents work so hard and longer hours, just to stay afoat, and sometimes just making home on time to get your child to there Hockey practice, Soccar game, baseball game, swimming lessons, and not trying to stress out and get frantic getting it all done at the same time, or with little time to spare, Don't forget feeding your child too. That is where the FAST FOOD HELPS, you hate to feed them that junk but what choice do you have at the time, none.
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