We are programed differently, in our brains. That is why a women needs a man, and a man needs a women.
Most men are aggressive, they take charge, they know what they want and go for it. Most women are thinkers, they plan, they think of a strategy and go for it.
When the two put there minds together, things work out, in most cases to there expectations. It is important to listen to each other, and work the best ideas, and bring them together. Ones idea in no more important than the others.
A relationship is equal, 50/50, that is why it is so important to talk, and understand the others point. If a relationship is unbalanced, one person is bossier, or more demanding to the other, the relationship is off balance. the respect from the other is depleting. They will tolerate, but not respect you.
I have seen this unbalanced relationship a lot. I do not understand it, or like it. Get me this , get me that. Do this for me , and go do that. I thought you married/partnered with the person you loved and respected, I did not see a contract anywhere about being your servant. If this truth hurts, oh well then change your attitude.
You should be saying could you please bring me ....., thank you. Don't worry I am closer I will get ...for you. That is the respectful way to ask for what you want.
I am ME, and You are YOU. No two people are the same, we do not think the same, feel the same, or like the same. Just because we do not see eye to eye on most things, does not mean there is a problem in the relationship. You respect the other persons opinions and they respect yours. Agree to disagree.
If you were in a previous relationship, and it went sour. Do not ever bring that relationship into the new one. It will go bad fast. The one thing you should carry with you is what you have learned, the mistakes that were made. Take everything in life as a lesson learned. This will help you to improve yourself in relationships.
Do not ever take the person who cares for you for granted, that shows you do not feel the same for them as they feel for you. Why do that to them, it is humiliating, and disrespectful. Why be with them then. Give them a chance to find someone who does appreciate them, so they will be happy. The LOVE from another person is a special gift, that is not shared to others. It is only for You.
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