Do you believe in Spirit's/Ghost's, you should, because they are real.
Sometimes a spirit is unsettled, not finished in life, some do not believe they are dead. They will go about day to day, wondering why you do not see or hear them.
They will leave you a sign, it could be money/change, they may hide your keys, or turn a picture around.
Everyone has a Spirit Guide, with them at all times, to give you guidance. That little voice in your head, you choose to ignore or follow. You are in control of your thoughts and actions.
If you feel there maybe a Ghost or Spirit in your home, you can ask them to leave you a sign that they are there, you can leave talcum powder on a counter before you go to bed, and ask them to give you a sing.The sign will be scribbles in the powder, and you know that no one else was there to do it. This will happen about 2- 3am, They are stronger on a foggy night.
I believe there is a Father God and a Mother God, everything in life is male or female, plants animals, humans. Everything has an opposite sex, you need both sexes to produce.
Father God is the Creator, and Mother God is the Mover. She is around more, and she has an Army of Angels to protect you, and help you if you ask, you only get what you ask for. If you do not ask you will not get.
I can pick up on peoples emotions, very easily, I always know something is wrong or bothering people, and I will ask if I feel it important, and watch to see if they need to talk. I can feel what they are feeling. When the emotion is strong. So if I ask what is wrong are you okay, you are giving me your feelings.
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