I feel so sorry for her. Her life has gone to Hell in the last couple of years. I feel it all started when her and Justin Timberlake broke up. He keep her grounded, she realized after they broke up, what she had lost.
She is always out to seek attention, and I was not suprised about her break down at all, I was just waiting for it to come, did not know when, but I knew it was coming soon, the signs were all there.
She is like the picture of the Iceburg, you see only a very small part of it on the surface, but lying underneath is this huge part, undescovered-unseen. It will take a long time to help her, years with the right docters, she really needs to go somewhere quiet, away from it all and redescover/find herself again, and most important love herself again.
Stars now a days are being pushed so hard, to be perfect, make no mistakes because if you do it will be shown all over the world. Put to shame, this is sad, they are aloud to make mistakes, whatever it is. they are just the same as you and me, Blood flows threw there vains as well, there Feelings get hurt as well, they get Angry as well, they are aloud to be...be whatever they feel at the time.
They are all being pushed to an early gave....Literaly, and who is at fault for this...on one is pointing fingers at themselves....just at the Stars...look at how much you screwed up in your life...now we are going to recap them, The death toll is getting higher and higher...who is next...this thought scares me.....
My thoughts are, Leave them alone....Let them live there lives....Raise there families......Have fun...and enjoy life the same as you are aloud to. They are not a rare species that should be held under a microscope...They are Humans-Just like you and me. Give them a change to enjoy there talent. To share with us that gift they have.
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