For some reason in which is not understandable, that you have put a block up.
For some reason when a question is asked, you run. You run away and try to ignore it, in hopes that it will go away. But it won't, it will always be there. If not now than later, it will always come back in a different situation.
Why do you protect yourself, in such a strong way. Why do you feel that everyone is out to hurt you. You feel and think, I will get you before you get me. This is sad, and a lonely way to be.
Do you not see that you deserve to be Loved just as much as everyone else does. You are Gods creation and gift to the World, you are just as important as everyone else is.
It is important to forgive yourself, and others. For you to move on in life. For you to find happiness, in yourself and others.
Remember and never forget that God Loves You and he Forgives you.
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