Raising Children, at times is like a Tug a War. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is right, but you.
You will make mistakes, no one is perfect. Everyone is different, there is no set way to do it. Just take others experiences, keep them in mind so if what you do does not work, you have other options to try.
Every child is different, the same tactic does not work on every child. But they do learn fast. So you will need to switch your tactic's after a time.
I do find one thing very important, if you made a mistake, admit it to your child, if you need to say sorry, say it. This is a big learning lesson for them. They do impersonate there parents.
Do not ever talk down to your child, as if they are less of a person. They will duplicate what you say or do in time.
The first 10yrs is important for development of your child's mind and personality. Get to know your child, if they get in trouble at school remember they are involved some how. I always knew my children were not perfect. No child is.
If your child is screaming in a store for a toy, do not give in to them, they will learn in time that this is the way to get what they want, instead leave the store. Do not give into them to make them quiet and stop crying, this is wrong. You will spoil your child, and when they become teenagers they will end up being a handful for you.
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