Death is a part of life, no one wants to think about or talk about, because it is one of the hardest thing to go through.
The Death of a loved one is so hard to cope with, all the emotions you feel are overwhelming.
You feel devastated about your lose, than you feel sad that you will never see, talk , smell or touch them again.
You also feel anger, a lot of anger that they left you and that you will never see them again.
You also have anger towards people who you felt at the time were insensitive and uncaring.
You will also feel shame for the things you could not apologize for, the unsaid words, or not seeing them often enough.
You will feel sad, upset and anger for not being able to say "Good-bye" or being with them when the passed away.
Your Grief will last a long time, and you go through so many different emotions one right after another. There is no time limit on Grieving, it takes as long as it takes, and everyone deals with it in different ways, no one has the right to judge someone on there Grief.
I have had so many Loved ones pass away, sometimes I think about the pain I went through when they passed away, and I still cry for them at times, curtain songs bring back memories and thoughts about my losses.
I Grieve for my Husband of 23yrs, we had 3 children together.
I Grieve for my Sister, she was 31yrs old and had 4 children, she was also my best friend.
I Grieve for my Grandmother (Nanzers) who was my everything, she knew me better than anyone.
I Grieve for my Grandfather, a kind and gentle man.
I Grieve for my best friend in High School, she was like a sister to me.
I Grieve for my Father in Law who I looked after for 10yrs.
I Grieve for my husbands Grandmother (Moosy),who accepted me right away, she was over 80yrs old, she loved to tell dirty jokes.
I have had so many Loved ones pass away, I cannot listen to Eric Clappton's "Tears in Heaven", or the song "Amazing Grace" and to hear Amazing Grace on the bagpipes, even worse, I balling my eyes out every time. They say crying cleans the Soul.
I just read this and it brought tears to my eyes as I just lost my Husband of 27 years in May, 07. It really touched me. I was looking for a way to contact you concerning your Bob's Big Boy items. My husband worked there long before I met him and I have watches, and tie tacks, if your interested?
my e mail address is sunshine_tlc@hotmail.com , if you ever feel the need to contact me . I will always respond.
thank you and God bless
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