When you turn 40 yrs old, it feels as though you have made a full circle in life. Off with the OLD and in with the NEW, in a way.
Your mind changes, you want more, or to do things differently. You realize you are living life for you and not anyone/everyone else, you need to be happy, to please yourself, and not worrying about others coming first. You come first.
The change is good, you are still the same person everyone knows, but you want more for yourself. You realize you do not need approval from others anymore, well not so much approval but understanding or acceptance, is more like it.
I do not care anymore what others think of what I am doing, the effect is on me, not them. I am the one who has to live with my actions, and look at myself in the mirror everyday, I am the one who has to like myself first.That is what is important.
I am 41 yrs old and just got my fist Tattoo, ever. It is in a private place, it has a lot of meaning for me. I am not asking for approval at all. I do not need it.
I have changed a lot, I am not as shy, if I want to know something I will ask, and keep asking until you answer. I will fight for what I believe in, and I love a good fight. I expect honesty nothing less, if you are hiding something or lying, I will figure it out, I always do. I will give you that chance to fess up, i have Patience to a point. If you take to long, I will confront you with it.
I will never play games, ever. I like myself more now than I did before. I have grown up a lot.
Turning 40 was the best, I feel alive. I feel I am at my best, and I will only get better. If you at at the same age as me, and have not felt what I have. I hope you do, because it is the Greatest Feeling Ever.
I am so proud of myself. I have been through a lot, more than some people could ever bare, but in turn I have learned a lot.
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