Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Music or Movies controls our MOODS

Monday, December 29, 2008
What have I done to deserve this...

Do Not Hide The Truth...

Sunday, May 25, 2008
To Many Changes, and not for the BETTER

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Crossing that Bridge

What Would You Do.....

The Price Of Gas...

I am so sick of the Price of Gasoline lately, it does not matter how much they pay for Oil, and it could be in the pumps at a cheaper price before they prices went up , they always raise the prices , every dam time.
Why are they doing this, I want an explanation for this, they are blood sucking bastards.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mid Life Crisis

Personal Blackmail, is Wrong

My Name Is Firecracker

I will introduce to my other side, the name is Firecracker. He comes out when I feel I am not being treated properly. Being ignored or lied too is the worst thing to do.
I will shout my mouth off, blow my top, and rant and rave when I am mad. It has been happening to me a little to often.
I hate it when I am looking forward to being with someone and they do not show up or call to explain what is happening,
I hate it when I am talking to someone and they start an attitude with me for no reason,
I hate it when I am expected to be patient all the time,
I hate it when I have everything ready for private time and the person does not call,
I hate it when I am always thought of last,
I hate it when I am sexually frustrated and my needs are not met,
So if this continues you will be seeing a lot of my other side FIRECRACKER.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Path in Life

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Thinking to much

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
You Know I'd Rock your World

Saturday, February 23, 2008
I can't do it Anymore...GOOD-BYE

Thursday, February 21, 2008
You have been Deleted, no longer a Friend

Sunday, February 17, 2008

When I am naked I am, exposing my skin, my emotions, my imperfections, my wants, my desires, my heart, and my feelings.
Do you see them, do you even care. I want you too, I hope you do. I need you too. CARE.
Do you see the real me, do you want the real me, do you need the real me.
I want you to touch my imperfections and accept them as I will and do yours.
Caress my body, feel my heart, fill my desires, and touch my emotions.
I Am Naked, afraid of rejection, filled with emotions, and in need of your desire.
I Can't Be Myself

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Can You See and Feel my Heart

Staying in a Loveless Relationship

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Memphis Tenn.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Will you, Is my Question....

Making Love

I Feel All Twisted Up Inside

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Storm Behind the Door

Why is there a Storm behind the door, why is so hard to say I LOVE YOU and mean it.
Why does your Love hurt so much, Love is gentle, soft and kind.
Why do you lie to me, say the thing I want to hear, instead of the things you should really feel.
Why do I cry, everytime I hear your voice, you either say mean things, or you say a nice thing, it is always one or the other.
Why do I hate to see you, but miss you when you are gone.
Why do I have to love you, when there is no love at all.
WHY................just tell me WHY.
Lets Talk about Britney Spears

Customer Service

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Do You Believe

The Two sides of Me


Raising Children

Men and Women in Relationships

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Do You See Me


Your Actions

Turning 40 is like peeling off your OLD SKIN..and finding yourself


Friday, January 25, 2008
In My Bed
My Place to Relax
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Right Thing to Do

I want to write about proper edict, I feel this been forgotten, and lost. Edict on, mannerism, respect, and the proper way to treat people. Treat people as you want to be treated,
1. If someone says Hello, say Hello back to them - when you ignore people you are being rude and ignorant.
2. Be honest, if someone asks you something, don't lie, say it in a kind way - telling the truth is easier than trying to remember your lie.
3. If you owe money to someone and you can't pay them back when you said you would, tell them - if you try to hide and ignore the person who was kind enough to help you are considered and thought of as a snake in the grass and a coward.
4. If you ask someone a question, and you do not like the answer you were given, it upset you - than do not ask the question, and put the person in the situation of pampering your ego.
5. When you see someone having trouble carrying bags - do just stand there, offer to help them, help to lighten there load, if they say no, at least you offered your help.
6. If you see an elderly person or a pregnant woman standing on a bus/subway offer them your seat - you are a lot younger and you have more strength and footing from preventing a fall.
7. If you see a mother having a problem with the stroller - offer your help.
8. If you see a homeless person an the streets offer to feed them - take them into a restaurant and buy them a meal.
9. If someone buys you a gift - let them know they made you happy.
10. If you do not believe in Karma, you should - what goes around comes back around 10 times over, weather it be good or bad, you will get it back.
Do you see my Foot Prints in the Sand

Monday, January 21, 2008
When I am Stressed

Respect ....

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Being Married to an Alcohalic is like a Thunderstorm

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A true friend is hard to find, someone who lets you express the real you, and allows you to make mistakes.
A true friend tells you the truth even though you do not want to hear it, they do it in a kind and loving way.
A true friend forgives you when you have done wrong, or said something wrong.
A true friend does not judge you but supports you in whatever you decide to do.
A true friend will stay up all night listening to you cry, complain, yell, scream, and cures until you are blue in the face, just to make you feel better.
A true friend will listen to the same thing over and over and over again, if that is what makes you feel better.
A true friend will never ever talk bad about you behind your back, or listen to anyone who does.
A true friend is part of your family, an extention of you.
A true friend allows you to spread your wings, always knowing you will come back, filling them in on everything every detail, and wanting to hear more.
I have that and I love my TRUE FRIEND with all my heart. I am truely grateful for my TRUE FRIEND for being there for me, with all my ups and downs, and at times being an emotional basket case.
Single and Confused

Monday, January 14, 2008
Working Parents

Parents need to work to survive, so you can give your child a home to live in, so they can sleep. Food on the table, to fill there bellies and to watch them grow. Clothes on there backs to keep them warm. Shoes on there feet, so they can walk.
It is so hard to go to work when you watched your child cry in fear and pain as you dropped them off to Daycare. The pain of leaving them and walking away ripes your heart out everytime you have to do it. Now you need to go to work, be productive, stay focused, in order to keep your job, OH YES and don't be late, and what will happen if your child is sick. Well the daycare won't take them, they can' t risk the other children getting sick, so you call everyone you trust to watch your child, or take the day off, loose pay or a vacation day ( a whole day less with your family ). The day you have been working for to be with your child all day.
Companies have no compation towards mothers and children, it is funny how we forget how we felt as a child watching our mothers leave us to go to work, and if your mother was a stay at home mom how safe and happy we were being with them.
When I was growing up there was so much for me to do, it was more affortable for my parents. Swimming lessons, Brownies, Rollerskating, Ice Skating, Archades, Teen Dances at the Community Centers, Clean Safe Parks, were did it all go and why did most of it go.
Parents work so hard and longer hours, just to stay afoat, and sometimes just making home on time to get your child to there Hockey practice, Soccar game, baseball game, swimming lessons, and not trying to stress out and get frantic getting it all done at the same time, or with little time to spare, Don't forget feeding your child too. That is where the FAST FOOD HELPS, you hate to feed them that junk but what choice do you have at the time, none.
Being a Widow is Hard
My heart hurts so much, I try not to cry because i have cryed so much already, It does not bring them back, it only reminds you of how lonely you are, and that there is no one to hold your hand, hold you and tell you that everything will be okay, "don't worry so much" he would say.
I will never be able to smell him, touch him, yell at him, kiss him, love him or hold him ever again. I only have my memories and pictures, and those are hard to look at, sometimes when I look at them I get angry and I want to yell at him " why the Hell did you leave me and the kids, we still need you".
When you get a Divorce , you chose to part ways, good or bad, you will in time see eachother again. When you become a Widow, they are taken from you, you had no say, or to even say "Good-bye my LOVE" or "Don't Go, Don't leave Me" your last and strongest memory is watching them getting buried into the ground and you wanting to jump in there with them . Now that is pain, that is hurt, that is THE END.
I have tryed to meet someone, I did, but he is a PLAYER, and to start getting your life back and feeling alive again, to only be hurt by someone who never had any intentions of getting to know you, only what you had to offer, WOW I can tell you that it sets you back even farthure into your safe little self created hole ( your safe place ).So that no one can hurt you again. I really liked him and I have alot to offer someone, and to see that most guys want are younger, skinner, prettier, women that you can not compete against at all. You loose at first glance, even though you know you are better, safer and kinder because you have so much experiance.
I was married for 22yrs, we had 3 children together. I was a stay at home MoM for so many years, my life was my family. Everything I did, I did for them, they came first, I was last - my choice, My Life theme is a Giver and Caretaker and proud of it.I will not and won't change for anyone , Because I am proud of who I am.
I can't stand PLAYERS, and if you are proud of being one , you really should be ashamed of yourself, the only outcome from it is hurt shame and pain, for your partner at the time. Using someone for your sexual desires is pittyful. There will be a point in your life when you will want to settle down, you will meet someone that you may want to spend the rest of your life with, and your past will bite you in the ass. This is the truth. It will happen. If it has not already.
You treat others as you want to be treated, if you want respect-give respect, if you want love-show love, if you want passion-show passion, if you want the truth-tell the truth.
Always remember and never forget, treat others as you want to be treated...this is the way of life. It is simple, it is only as complicated as you make it.